Unifying in Pride: Our Amazing Team Comes Together to Celebrate Pride Month


As we continue into the vibrant and inspiring month of June, PAG unites in a collective spirit to express our unwavering support for the LGBTQIA+ community and to foster a culture of inclusivity within our company. Pride Month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing diversity, as it fuels creativity, sparks innovation, and fosters a deep sense of belonging. At PAG, we believe that by celebrating our differences, we create a stronger and more inclusive work environment, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. We deeply value the growth and development of every team member. We believe in finding that perfect balance between work and enjoyment, while also fostering meaningful relationships that are essential to everyone's success. As we celebrate Pride Month, we've had the incredible opportunity to connect with our PAG team members on a personal level, getting to know what Pride Month truly means to them. Here's what they had to say:

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When I think about pride, it's like a glitter bomb exploding in my heart, spreading rainbow-colored joy everywhere! It's not just about waving flags and having parades (although those are super fun!). Pride, to me, is a sparkling celebration of authenticity and love. It's a reminder to embrace every quirky, unique, and wonderfully unconventional aspect of ourselves. Pride invites us to dance to our own rhythm, painting the world with our vibrant personalities. It's about accepting and honoring who we are, no matter what society may say. Pride encourages us to stand tall and fierce, challenging the norms and smashing stereotypes. It's a powerful force that shouts, "You are worthy of love and respect exactly as you are!" Let your true colors shine, my friend, and never apologize for being yourself. But pride doesn't stop at self-acceptance; it's about creating a loving and inclusive world for all. It's about extending our open arms to embrace every beautiful soul, no matter their gender, sexuality, or identity. It's a call to build bridges, tear down walls, and fill the world with empathy and understanding. So, let's celebrate the magnificence of diversity and the strength found in unity. Let's be the change we want to see, spreading love and acceptance like a contagious wildfire. Together, we can create a world where everyone can proudly be themselves, where love knows no boundaries.

Remember, you are a precious gem in the kaleidoscope of life. Embrace your unique sparkle, share your story, and let your pride shine bright for all to see.

Keep being fabulous! 🌈❤️


My family and friends attend our local Pride events across Miami and Fort Lauderdale to celebrate. 


My favorite memory is when I met Kathy Griffin at Pride Milwaukee and she made fun of my outfit :)

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