Revenue Generating Insights and Actions

Win Business You Are Missing Out On


The GDS acts as a single access point for thousands of travel agents worldwide. As your team develops its distribution strategy, it is important to review exactly how the hotel's information is displayed to those looking to book your hotel. Missing or inaccurate information could be causing you to lose business, or even worse, not even be a consideration in the buyer's sales journey.


Our GDS Audit reviews over 100 data points to provide your team with a quality score and actionable insights to improve your retailing efforts. When it comes time to execute our feedback based on industry best practices, simply use our audit as a working document to further perfect your content, then copy and paste directly from the audit into your respective systems. We also audit 5 properties within your competitive set so you can have confidence in your strategy across the marketplace.

  • Property Description and Details
  • City Indexing / Reference Points / Airports
  • Attractions and Corporate Locations
  • Images
  • Amenity Index
  • Dining/Meeting Venues
  • Policies - Resort Fees / Commissions / Groups
  • Rate Strategy and Analysis
  • Rate and Room Descriptions
  • Display Sequencing Order
  • Competitive Benchmark
  • HOD Pages

 Get in touch with our team of industry experts to explore how we can help you improve your hotel's GDS production and make you look like a rockstar. 

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