Unifying in Pride: Our Amazing Team Comes Together to Celebrate Pride Month

PAG Reflects on the Meaning of Pride

As we dive into the vibrant and inspiring month of June, PAG unites in a collective spirit to express our unwavering support for the LGBTQIA+ community and to foster a culture of inclusivity within our company. Pride Month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing diversity, as it fuels creativity, sparks innovation, and fosters a deep sense of belonging. At PAG, we believe that by celebrating our differences, we create a stronger and more inclusive work environment, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. We deeply value the growth and development of every team member. We believe in finding that perfect balance between work and enjoyment, while also fostering meaningful relationships that are essential to everyone's success. As we celebrate Pride Month, we've had the incredible opportunity to connect with our PAG team members on a personal level, getting to know what Pride Month truly means to them. Here's what they had to say:

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 What Does Pride Month mean to you?

Pride or Pride Month means being able to accept, love and celebrate us for who we are. As an immigrant, it is also a reminder that I am fortunate enough to live in a country where being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community is celebrated and not tolerated. Also, it's a good excuse to have a couple of cocktails (insert Tequila Soda here) and meet new people. 😊

How do you celebrate Pride Month?

No traditions yet. I recently volunteered and celebrated at the Miami Beach Pride last April after not being "part of the scene" since 2016. I am definitely looking forward to doing it again next year.

What is your favorite Pride moment?

Favorite Pride moment for me was when I volunteered for a pool party as part of the Miami Beach Pride opening event and when I attended the Parade Day (closing day). I reconnected with my old friends whom I haven't seen in a while and met some new people too. If I have to describe it, I think that it's a full circle moment for me. Miami's LGBTQIA+ scene makes it difficult to meet new people let alone make friends. But it somewhat gave me hope that there is still a sense of community out there and that it is not always a "competition". Everybody (including me of course) is just happy to be there and get an opportunity to celebrate. Happy Pride! 

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